Project: #MindTheGap2030
Limiting EU ethanol creates space for fossil fuels
Renewable ethanol refineries keep Europe’s transport on the move. When the EU proposed limiting use of ethanol, ePURE set out to ‘Mind the Gap’ that such a decision would create – a gap that could only be filled by fossil fuels.
01The Context
By 2030, the EU must reduce emissions by 55%. Renewable ethanol is integral to sustainable transport – but EU proposals kept a 7% cap on renewable ethanol in the energy mix.
02The Move
ePURE needed to drive support for EU renewable ethanol, as a fossil-fuel alternative, domestically produced and available today to decarbonise transport at scale.
03The Action
Time for a reality check: less ethanol means a “gap” filled by fossil fuels. Our 3D art took that warning straight to policymakers in Brussels, and to their constituents.
04The Impact
EU parliamentarians listened, by voting to keep ethanol’s role in the energy mix in 2022, while 20M+ campaign impressions showed the message resonated beyond the Brussels bubble.
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